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terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Arte e violência, um livro

por Leandro OLiveira

Uma indicação proveitosa a todos os interessados no tema "violência" e "arte" parece ser o livro "The Art of Cruelty" de Maggie Nelson. No New York Times Sunday Book Review:

(...) Of course, the aesthetic program of cultural modernism has long been summed up by the maxim épater la bourgeoisie. Rather than taking this directive for granted, Nelson delves into the varieties of cruelty perpetrated on us bourgeois for our supposed betterment, what the art critic Grant Kester has called the “orthopedic aesthetic.” The art of cruelty aestheticizes violence, in not necessarily scrupulous ways. It can be reckless and scattershot, provoked by the desire to make others feel as bad as the sufferers of injustice and trauma whose experiences are vicariously borrowed by artists shopping for shocks. It bludgeons audiences into getting the point. It’s responsible for a century of art-world Nurse Ratcheds, wielding jolts of aesthetic electroshock therapy and taking unseemly pleasure at rubbing people’s noses in pain. (...)

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