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domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Observatório Ocidentalismo

por Leandro Oliveira

Por que não pessoas mais maduras? Michael Kaiser, diretor do Kennedy Center de Washington traz um pouco de bom senso ao debate sobre políticas culturais da música clássica:

At virtually every discussion I have with board members of arts organizations (and many discussions with other arts managers as well), the desire to attract younger audience members is a primary topic. The issue is typically introduced by someone commenting negatively on the age of most current audience members: "Our audience is too old. Everyone has gray hair. Our audience members are likely to die away. We need a younger audience. How do we get young people to come to our performances?"

While I appreciate the spirit of this question, I don't really agree with the mindset of the speakers who speak as if the missions of our organizations are not aimed at servicing senior citizens. And the fear that the older audience members will die out is not exactly justified. Many people, as they reach middle age, increase their arts participation as their discretionary time and money increase; these people replace those senior audience members who do pass away. (...)

Na íntegra, aqui.


As tantas perguntas que Greg Sandow (não) tenta responder:

(...)What is art, in a public policy sense? Is it a public good? A commodity? A service? A luxury? A form of entertainment and recreation? A social necessity? What is its purpose? To entertain and amuse, or serve as a diversion from "real life"?? To educate? To challenge? To be part of the public political discourse? Who gets to to say what is art, and what is worth preserving, producing or supporting? Professors? The NEA? The state arts council? The "man in the street?" Museum curators? Politicians? (...)

Na íntegra aqui.


Letícia e os brasileiros no tsunami:

(...)A gente ganhou um monte de espelho em 1500 mas, pelo jeito, a novidade durou pouco.

Na íntegra aqui.


Comprar compositores raros ou ouvir uma rádio dedicada e fazer a própria seleção, é o que oferece Classical Archives, o maior site de música clássica na internet. Vale conferir.

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