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domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010

We shall fight on the beaches

Por Leandro Oliveira

Trecho do segundo discurso feito por Winston Churchill na "House of Commons" durante o período da Batalha da França - a entrada para valer dos Aliados na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ao lado de "Blood, toil, tears and sweat" de 10 de maio de 1940 e "This was their finest hour" de 18 de junho do mesmo ano, é conhecido como um dos mais influentes discursos públicos de todos os tempos. A conferir:

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government - every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

3 comentários:

Leonardo disse...

Sugiro o filme da HBO: Into the Storm. O Brendan Gleeson faz um excelente W. Churchill, vale a pena!

Unknown disse...

Que bacana, assisti há alguns dias um filme sobre o Churchill - Into the war (2009). Eu recomendo! Não lembro se tem esse discurso especificamente, mas me recordo daquele em que sua esposa o desaconselhou a fazer, e que culminou na derrota dos conservadores pelos trabalhistas, ao final do filme. Bjao!

Unknown disse...

Tem razão, Leonardo. "Into the storm" é o nome, ou "Churchill at War".

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