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quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

Aprendendo com Robert Schumann

Por Leandro Oliveira

No prólogo de seu "Álbum para Juventude", Robert Schumann (1810-1856) dá algumas dicas para o melhor aproveitamento do aprendizado musical; mas acho que podemos nos valer de seus conselhos para muitas outras coisas. Coloco algumas máximas preferidas - em sua tradução para o inglês pois assim não nos perdemos nas declinações do original...

The laws of morals are those of art.

Do not judge a composition from the first time of hearing; that which pleases you at the first moment, is not always the best. Masters need to be studied. Many things will not become clear to you till you have reached a more advanced age.

You will be most readily cured of vanity or presumption by studying the history of music, and by hearing the master pieces which have been produced at different periods.

Never help to circulate bad compositions; on the contrary, help to suppress them with earnestness.

As to choice in the study of your pieces, ask the advice of more experienced persons than yourself; by so doing, you will save much time.

All that is merely modish will soon go out of fashion, and if you practise it in age, you will appear a fop whom nobody esteems.

Let your intimate friends be chosen from such as are better informed than yourself.

Relieve the severity of your musical studies by reading poetry. Take many a walk in the fields and woods!

From vocalists you may learn much, but do not believe all that they say.

Remember, there are more people in the world than yourself. Be modest! You have not yet invented nor thought anything which others have not thought or invented before. And should you really have done so, consider it a gift of heaven which you are to share with others.

There is no end of learning.

Para estas e outras dicas preciosas, clique aqui.

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