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segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Observatório Ocidentalismo

por Leandro Oliveira

A Síndrome de Asperger é batizada a partir do médico que a diagnosticou, o austríaco Dr. Hans Asperger. É uma espécie peculiar de autismo, e seus portadores têm dificuldade de interação social. Ele é o tema do primeiro episódio da série "Between Ourselves" da Rádio BBC (ah, como eu queria ser diretor da Rádio Cultura para finalmente trazer coisas interessantes ao dial...); neste episódio, um papo interessantíssimo com dois portadores da síndrome. Apresentação de Olívia O'Leary.


(...) I am constantly amazed at the low culture IQ of very bright and talented young people who have achieved a great deal in other realms. When I was once called a "media Caruso" in the press, a 23-year-old with whom I worked asked what a Caruso was!

Another business associate asked me if Giuseppe Verdi was dead. He was a Harvard-educated professional who was an adept piano player.

It is easy to point to culprits: the lack of arts education in our public schools, the astonishing array of personal popular entertainment options that occupy the time of younger people, and the ticket prices for concerts, plays and operas that are so high they keep many young (and old) people from attending.

But whatever the cause (and we need to analyze these causes so we can find cures for the future), we have remedial work to do with the current group of high school graduates who simply do not consider attending our performances or visiting our art galleries as an option that is relevant to their lives. (...)

Michael Kaiser, manda-chuva do Kennedy Center, em mais um artigo formidável que sugiro ler ao lado deste, de Tom Jacobs, sobre o declínio da atividade do público omnívoro e highbrow.


Tom Service faz um belíssimo "Amnésia Cultural" pelos quarenta anos de morte de Igor Stravinsky (último dia 6).

Igor Stravinsky died 40 years ago today. I find this astonishing – partly because Stravinsky seems to belong to another era: a century ago, he was conceiving and composing The Rite of Spring, and yet we are only separated by him by just over a generation, and yet his influence and his legacy still seems so contemporary.

Stravinsky is the only common influence that composers from Steve Reich to Thomas Adès, from Judith Weir to John Adams, from Elliott Carter to Louis Andriessen, can all agree on. Without Stravinsky, there would be no minimalism, not much neo-classicism, not enough rhythmic energy, and not nearly enough compositional freedom in the 20th and 21st centuries. Four decades on, the Stravinsky that's proved most popular with audiences, orchestras and concert halls is the colouristic brilliance of the three early ballets, Firebird, Petrushka, and the Rite.

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Gabriel Ferreira postou no Facebook - e replico em homenagem ao amigo que vai aportar em POA: "os Dez Mandamentos do Chimarrão".


Desdobramentos da crise da OSB? A orquestra saiu do palco quando o maestro Minczuk entrou para o concerto de abertura da Temporada. A narrativa do caso - cujo registro se espalhou como fenômeno no youtube - pode ser vista aqui.


O blog do Márcio Leopoldo vai nos atualizar com as informações sobre o Fórum da Liberdade. Acompanhem e cobrem o moço.

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