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segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

Pärt e o Papa

por Leandro Oliveira

Os alunos do "Falando de Música" desta semana puderam ter uma experiência extraordinária indubitável que foi a performance do Te Deum do compositor estoniano Arvo Pärt. Pärt acaba de realizar uma partitura para o Papa Bento XVI. Seguem comentários de Tom Service (com um presente especial para os fãs do compositor ao final do post).

Monday was a busy day for Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. He played a new piece for the pope, in the preternatural presence of the pontiff, called Vater Unser, celebrating the 60th anniversary of Benedict's ordination. But thanks to his publisher, Universal Edition, you can share in the glory of the performance from Pärt himself and Heldur Harry Pölda, an Estonian boy soprano, and hear the first two-thirds of their recording of the piece here, where you can also see the first page of the manuscript score. (...)

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